These surgical specialists treat head and spinal injuries and degeneration of joints, bones, and connective tissue. Microsurgery and minimally invasive arthroscopy are all available in Guatemala.

Every organ in your body needs to interact smoothly with the others. These surgeons are specialists in laparoscopic, laser, and general surgery: urology, colo-rectal, weight loss, pancreas, liver function, and associated disorders.

Eye surgeons specialize in separate areas, like cataracts or retina. E-N-T surgeons treat sinuses, balance, swallowing, tonsils, and thyroid. They remove glands and tumors, and insert cochlear implants.

Routine heart surgery gives you valves that don’t leak, more effective oxygenation of your blood, and reliable circulation to assure that all parts of your body are nourished and healthy for the long term.

Ideally, outward appearance reflects the true beauty of your inner spirit. Ask your surgeon about augmentation or reduction, lifting and shaping, or delicate reconstruction resulting in life changing improvements.

Eliminating the cause of pain and correcting hormonal imbalance or incontinence are what these surgeons do best for the women under their care. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) offers family planning options.
